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Desmond Tutu award for Michel Kazatchkine

Our Supervisory Board Chairman Prof Michel Kazatchkine has been awarded the Desmond Tutu award for HIV prevention research and human rights at the HIVR4P conference!

The HIVR4P // Virtual awards programme recognizes outstanding HIV prevention research, compelling advocacy to curtail the epidemic and exceptional commitments to safeguarding the human rights of people impacted by HIV.

Across more than 35 years of work Michel Kazatchkine, has been an unparalleled champion for efforts to ensure that respect for human rights is central to global responses to the epidemic. Professor Kazatchkine has served as Director of the ANRS in France and the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, TB and Malaria, Director of Research at INSERM, the UN Secretary General’s Special Envoy on HIV/AIDS in Eastern Europe and Central Asia and in critical roles at UNAIDS, WHO and the Global Commission on Drug Policy. In each of these, he has consistently placed at the forefront of his efforts the needs of people affected by the epidemic – including people who use drugs, migrants, survivors of conflict and humanitarian crises and others too often stigmatized and shunned by governments, healthcare systems and law enforcement.

We are honoured to have Michel Kazatchkine in a crucial advisory role for our organisation. Congratulations!

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