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Future of mHealth in Europe

Do you want to learn more about Future of mHealth in Europe? You can participate in an event from the EmERGE project already on the 2 of September!

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Participants will discuss lessons learned and implications for scale up and transferability to other sites. It will also look at uses of this type of intervention as a care pathway in other areas. Drawing from the experience of EmERGE and a review of literature, participants will look at systems and policy issues to be addressed in the roll-out of mobile health solutions across the EU. The meeting will bring together community of People living with HIV (PLHIV), health care professionals, researchers and policymakers at national and EU levels. The meeting will explore lessons from the recent COVID 19 health crisis, the role and use of telemedicines and digital care pathways.

A brief look at the agenda

10:00 -11:45 – Part 1: EmERGE project learnings Featuring Brian West (EATG), Jennifer Whetham (Brighton and Sussex University Hospitals NHS Trust, UK), Mary Darking (University of Brighton, UK), Sanja Belak Skugor and Tomislav Vurusic (Lux Vitae), Josip Begovac (University of Zagreb, Croatia)

13:00 – 14:30 – Part 2: EmERGE, mHealth and health systems in the EU Featuring Ander Elustondo Jauregui (European Reference Networks and Digital Health, European Commission), Christoph D.Spinner (Klinikum rechts der Isar Technische Universität München, Germany), Hrvoje Belani (Country e-Health and Cybersecurity, Ministry of Health, Croatia), Ricardo Fernandes (GAT, Portugal)

15:00 – 16:30 – Part 3: Lessons from the COVID-19 Crisis and the role of digital pathways in HIV prevention and care Featuring Ludwig Apers (Institute of Tropical Medicine, Antwerpen)

More details about the project

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