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What does good collaboration between municipalities and NGOs mean?

AFEW International (The Netherlands) was a technical partner in the Fast-Track HIV/TB Cities Project, which was implemented between 2017-2019. The main goal of the project was to develop efficient and sustainable city models of HIV/TB responses that would allow to reduce AIDS and TB mortalities in five project cities; Almaty (Kazakhstan), Balti (Moldova), Odesa (Ukraine), Sofia (Bulgaria), and Tbilisi (Georgia).

AFEW International with expertise on increasing access to health services for HIV, TB and viral hepatitis for key populations, is well-connected to Dutch health care providers. Within the Fast-Track HIV/TB Cities Project, videos were made to feature professionals working for municipalities, consultancies and NGOs, law enforcement agencies in the Netherlands and on an international level. What good collaboration between municipalities and NGOs means, why service-delivery for sex workers, People Who Use Drugs and LGBTQI is funded by the dutch municipality, and how this is organized? Answers on these questions are in this video.




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