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Improving the long-term health and well-being of people living with HIV

Roundtable discussion focusing on improving the long-term health and well-being of people living with HIV will be held on the 26th of November in Strasbourg.

Hosted by a cross-party group of Members of the European Parliament: Cristian Bușoi (European People’s Party, Romania), Sara Cerdas (Socialists & Democrats, Portugal), Petra De Sutter (Greens, Belgium) and Frédérique Ries (Renew Europe, Belgium), this roundtable will inform European policy and decision makers about the state of play of the HIV epidemic in the European region and the specific needs of people living with HIV in the long-term in order to devise concrete proposals for policy response.

 The roundtable aims to:

  • Launch a HIV Outcomes ‘Call to Action’ for political leadership to ensure that the long-term health outcomes and quality of life of people living with HIV are high on the political agenda and that Europe delivers on its commitment to tackle communicable diseases.
  • Determine concrete actions that European, national and regional level policy makers can take together to ensure that tackling the HIV epidemic remains a priority in Europe and that the often ‘invisible’ needs of people living with HIV in the long-term are addressed.
  • Launch The Lancet HIV Series on HIV Outcomes Beyond Viral Suppression on living with HIV in the long-term.
  • Share learnings and good practices gathered when testing the HIV Outcomes recommendations on the ‘long-term health, well-being and chronic care of people living with HIV’ at the national level in Germany and Romania in 2019.

In addition to the co-hosting MEPs and patient and clinical representatives who will set the scene, confirmed discussants include:

Martin Horwood

MEP, Renew Europe, United Kingdom

Alexandra Phillips

MEP, Greens/EFA, Mayor of Brighton, United Kingdom

John Ryan

Director, Public Health, Country Knowledge and Crisis Management, DG SANTE, European Commission

More info – here.

HIV Outcomes Call To Action

HIV Outcomes country reports – GER and ROM

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