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RADIAN grants are now open for grant seekers

Since the 21 of November RADIAN grants for both the ‘Model Cities’ (Almaty only) and ‘Unmet Need’ funds are open for grant seekers to submit concept notes.

The RADIAN ‘Unmet Need’ fund will support local initiatives across the EECA region and beyond the select ‘Model Cities’. Initiatives selected will focus on prevention and care, education, community empowerment, and novel partnerships. The programme will be implemented locally, working with key stakeholders and partners.

The Fund is welcoming concept notes for evidence-informed solutions implementing in Albania, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Estonia, Georgia, Kosovo, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Latvia, Lithuania, Montenegro, Republic of Moldova, Russian Federation, North Macedonia, Romania, Serbia, Slovenia, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Ukraine, or Uzbekistan. The Fund welcomes concept notes for multi-country projects.

You can join for a webinar on applying for a RADIAN Unmet Need Fund grant. This webinar will guide applicants through the RADIAN Unmet Need Fund Opportunity Announcement and application process, and offer an opportunity for participants to ask questions on the Opportunity Announcement and application process.

The webinar will be held on December 3rd 2019 11:00-12:30 (GMT). Please register for the webinar here.

Applications to implement Model Cities in Almaty are now open as well. The programme will support innovative approaches, including new models of care and expanded prevention and healthcare programmes, led by groups who are on-the-ground and part of the community.

The first RADIAN ‘Model City’ will be Almaty, Kazakhstan’s largest city. The RADIAN Model Cities Fund is looking to support programmes centred around existing health system infrastructure that deliver measurable impact in the response to HIV in Almaty. Organisations who share Radian’s vision of significantly improving the quality of care for PLHIV, addressing new HIV infections and AIDS deaths in Almaty can apply for grant funding. A detailed Opportunity Announcement, including eligibility and selection criteria can be downloaded below. Additional ‘Model Cities’ will be announced in 2020.


RADIAN grants for both the ‘Model Cities’ (Almaty only) and ‘Unmet Need’ funds are now open for grant seekers to submit concept notes. All concept notes must be in English.

Applicants whose Concept Notes are selected to move forward to the Application stage will be notified by the Foundation and will be requested to submit an Application with further details on their solution. A detailed Opportunity Announcement for each fund, including eligibility and selection criteria, can be downloaded below.


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