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HIV/AIDS Assessment of Knowledge, Attitudes, and Behavior among Hepatitis C Patients who Inject Drugs

Community-based participatory research report “HIV/AIDS Assessment of Knowledge, Attitudes, and Behavior among Hepatitis C Patients who Inject Drugs, Tbilisi, Georgia”

Georgia belongs to HIV / AIDS low prevalence countries. According to date of November 9, 2017, there are 6664 cases of HIV infection, including 533 new cases in 20171. In the Infectious Disease, AIDS and Clinical Immunology Scientific-Practical Center, 43,7% of registered cases are IDUs but yearly specific part of IDUs are decreases identified cases. It is assumed that, according to the HIV / AIDS epidemic scene, the estimated number of HIV infections in Georgia is more than 12,000.

In 2016, the estimated number of injection drug users in Georgia was 52,500 (50,000 – 56,000). National prevalence – 2,24% (2,13% – 2,39%), among people in age 18-64, and 1,41% (1,34% – 1,51%) in general population.

Since 2006 year Global Fund in Georgia implements HIV testing programs counseling and information campaigns among injecting drug users and their partners who have risky behavior, voluntary testing these groups, although the number of testing is still unsatisfactory, should also be mentioned that there is quite high number of late confirmed cases4 among the newly confirmed cases, which complicates the treatment process and contributes to the spread of HIV is not only between the risk groups, but the general population as well. It should be noted that ARV treatment is equally available to all HIV infections within the state program.

Read the report here.

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