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Deadline Extended: AIDS 2018 Abstract Support

Amsterdam Youth Force, Eurasian Harm Reduction Association (EHRA) and AFEW International invite applicants from Eastern Europe and Central Asia region (EECA) to submit drafts abstracts for XXII International AIDS Conference 2018 in Amsterdam (AIDS2018) to board panel of experts for review. The deadline is extended until 25th January 2018.

We would like to invite Eastern European and Central Asian (EECA) researchers, clinicians, scientists, community activists and young people to submit their abstracts to our EECA AIDS2018 Abstract Support team. Boosting the representation of academics in this region is important as this is the only region in the world where the epidemic is still growing. To increase the chances to present their work at the conference for researchers, clinicians, community activists and young people from EECA who may have less experience in writing scientific abstracts in English, we will be facilitating scientific and English language assistance. We will link you to a researcher or a professional in your field which can provide you with scientific feedback on how to improve the quality of your abstract. To specifically support young researchers and community activists, we also offer a feedback session via Skype to discuss the suggested changes to your work.

If this sounds like something you could benefit from, please read further about the eligibility criteria and review process.

Eligibility criteria

You can submit your abstract to for a professional review if you are:

  • A (young) researcher, scientists, clinician, community activist or representative of community-based organization or NGO; and
  • Planning to submit an abstract to 22nd International AIDS Conference 2018 in Amsterdam, 23-27 July 2018 (AIDS2018); and
  • Working in one of the following countries: Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Estonia, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Latvia, Lithuania, Moldova, Russia, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Ukraine, Uzbekistan;

The review process

  • We will be accepting submissions from the 1st of December 2017 until the 25th of January 2018 in both English and Russian languages. The feedback to the submitted draft abstracts will be provided in one round. The panelists will provide in-depth feedback on the initial content, as well as suggestions for improvement.
  • If you want to receive language support – translation into English or English editing, you have to submit our abstract before 21st Limited translation and editing services will occur between the 22 January and 2 February 2018.

For the abstract submissions written in English, you will receive feedback on the scientific quality of work, and the limited number of abstracts will get assistance with English editing.

After you have finalized your abstract based on the received feedback, you can send it to us again with the email title «Need language assistance».

  • Due to the limited capacity of the panelists, in total up to 110 abstracts will be able to receive feedback. Therefore, the rule “first come – first served” will apply. First 110 abstracts submitted from eligible applicants will be forwarded to a relevant panelist based on his/her expertise and academical background, for feedback and in some cases for personal communication.

Please send your abstract in Word format, include a brief letter of motivation, which scientific track you will be submitting to and details about yourself including your age if you would like to apply as a young researcher or community activist.

Below you will find links to materials on how to write conference abstracts, available in English and Russian.

Requirement for abstracts

  • The abstract should be written in accordance with the official requirements of the AIDS Conference.
  • The draft abstract should be written in Russian or English.
  • The content of the abstract should be in line with one of the conference scientific tracks. The scientific track must be specified under the heading of the abstract.
  • There is a maximum of two abstracts per applicant.
  • Those applicants who want to receive language support either the translation into Russian, or editing of the English abstract, will have to submit a short motivation letter to explain why they need such support.


AFEW International, EHRA and Amsterdam Youth Force form a Steering Committee and the secretariat of the EECA Abstract support project. Only people designated to serve within Steering Committee and the secretariat and the reviewers assigned to each abstract will have access to the abstract submissions as well as the contact details of the applicants. We will not release any information on who has received assistance for their submissions at any point unless we have consent to do so.

Useful resources

  1. Abstract writing module available in Russian and English

An Abstract writing module is developed in collaboration with the International AIDS Society (IAS) – the organizer of the AIDS conferences and written by editors of the Journal of the International AIDS Society, an open-access platform for essential and innovative HIV/AIDS research. It is available for everybody in English and translated into Russian by AFEW International.

  1. Online training in abstract writing

AFEW International has conducted a training on community-based participatory research and abstract writing. This training was streamed live and records, as well as handouts and presentations, are available in Russian here:

Abstract writing: structure, review criteria, submission tips

Good abstract title

On the road to AIDS2018: practical guide

Presentations and handouts (downloadable, please scroll down)

If you want to receive English presentations and handouts, please refer to the email address below.

  1. Tips and trick on how to write a good abstract.

AIDS2018: Preparing for registration and submitting abstracts. The article was written by a young researcher Anna Tokar. In Russian, the article is available here, and in English here.

You can follow us on Facebook for all the updates on the available recourses and opportunities.

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