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The Digital Consultation from the Amsterdam Youth Force

Dutch Ambassador for Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights & HIV/AIDS Lambert Grijns

We are glad to announce the digital consultation the Amsterdam Youth Force (AYF) is organising in the run up to 22nd International AIDS Conference (AIDS 2018.) AIDS 2018 will be an important event in the road to fulfilling the Sustainable Development Goals goal of ending the AIDS epidemic by 2030. Therefore, it is crucial that young people’s perspectives are heard in the lead up to the conference, which is why we a consultation to help produce position papers reflecting young people’s voices is being launched.

The consultation will build on the work the #UPROOT agenda documented by PACT, and Amsterdam Youth Force is currently investigating the best ways to do that. In the meantime, AYF is looking for volunteers to help with the project. They are specifically looking for:

  • Young people who speak both English and Russian, French, Arabic, Spanish or Chinese.
  • People who want to help manage and translate input in those languages and help write the papers.
  • People who are available for that from January until July 2018.

If you are interested in helping out, please let AYF know via Then they will contact you to see how you can help.

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