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AFEW Supports International Viral Hepatitis Elimination Meeting

The International Viral Hepatitis Elimination Meeting (IVHEM) will take place in Amsterdam on the 17-18th November 2017. The registration for the meeting is already opened and the program is announced. Since many AFEW International’s strategical activities are aimed at eliminating viral hepatitis in Eastern Europe and Central Asia (EECA), AFEW is glad to share the information about this event.

IVHEM is a global forum for the exchange of practical experiences for translating diagnostic and therapy advances of viral hepatitis into broad applications that accelerate progress toward elimination of viral hepatitis as a public health threat by 2030. Community organisations, researchers, public health practitioners and clinicians will come to Amsterdam for the meeting. The program includes practical examples of innovative intervention studies, country elimination programs and novel funding mechanisms testing and treatment, all focusing on meeting the 2030 targets.

With prevalence as high at 80-90%, Eastern Europe and Central Asia has some of the highest rates of hepatitis C among people who inject drugs in the world. AFEW has a broad approach towards groups in society that are at risk for HIV, TB and viral hepatitis and who have limited access to health services in the EECA region. Challenges in the region remain the same for many decades: instance repressive drug policies; stigma and discrimination of injecting drug users, people who live with HIV, sex workers and inmates; poor access to prevention and treatment of HIV, TB and viral hepatitis; inadequate coverage of treatment and affordable medicaments. Besides, international donor funding for harm reduction programs is decreasing.

You can find the flyer about the International Viral Hepatitis Elimination Meeting here. You can register for the meeting here, and find a program here.

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