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Today We Celebrate 15 Years of AFEW!

15yearsafew_logo_proposal2Dear AFEW supporters and partners!

Today is a very important day for AFEW International. We are honouring World AIDS Day 2016, and also celebrating the 15th anniversary of our organisation. We are very grateful that we have spent these wonderful 15 years with your support and appreciation, and we would like to thank you for this!

We know that 15 years of our work would be not possible without you. We understand that together with you we are working towards a healthy future of our region. We realize the potential and current issues of Eastern Europe and Central Asia, and we are confident that we will be able to overcome them together with you. Thank you for being with us throughout our successes and challenges!

Having a leading position with expertise in HIV, TB and other related public health concerns in Eastern Europe and Central-Asia, AFEW will continue fighting stigma and discrimination, upholding the human rights, and improving the access to and quality of health services for key populations at risk for HIV, TB and viral hepatitis. This is still so much needed as the region where we work is still experiencing HIV growth, faces increased incidence of MDR-TB and has a high prevalence of Hepatitis C. Our activities help to change the future of the region and contribute to a healthy and comfortable life of people!

Thank you for being with us!

Happy World AIDS day and happy AFEW anniversary!


AFEW International

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