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Starting Methadone after 18 Years of Using Drugs   

IMG_269244 years old Makhmad asked for support of the social workers of “Bridging the Gaps” program implemented in Qurghoonteppa city in Tajikistan after he experienced 18 years of injecting drugs and had several ineffective attempts of stopping using them. He was seeking for some assistance in his drugs dependence treatment.

“I have heard about methadone many times, but did not believe that it can help me, even though many of my “colleagues” in the streets were telling about its positive effects. During my communication with social workers of AFEW-Tajikistan, I received all the answers to my questions. They told me everything about opioid substitution therapy (OST) and all aspects of using of methadone. I decided to try this treatment myself,”– Makhmad says.

Before entering OST program, Makhmad faced many problems in his everyday life and with his family. “Frankly, I never thought about my family and my kids. All my thoughts were about how to find drugs”, – he says. Thanks to “Bridging the Gaps” program support, Makhmad passed medical observations, got needed tests and afterwards was included in OST program that was implemented by state detox center of Qurghoonteppa.

“After some time of participation in OST program I felt positive changes. First of all, I stopped to think about how and where to find my dose of heroin. Besides, my relations with family members improved. I have also found the job. I feel myself healthy and I can say it with a confidence that everything is good in my life. When I now see people I know who are still using drugs, I explain them that methadone is something that can really help us”, – Makhmad tells.

Social workers of AFEW-Tajikistan are continuing to provide assistance to Makhmad. In return, he does some volunteering work for AFEW, and together with the social workers Makhmad is informing people who use drugs about available services within “Bridging the Gaps” program in Qurghoonteppa.

“Bridging the Gaps: Health and Rights of key populations” project is funded by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Netherlands is implementing in Qurghoonteppa by AFEW-Tajikistan Branch in Khatlon region. People who use drugs or are affected by HIV epidemic can receive client management and HIV prevention services including assistance in initiation and adherence to treatment. Only in the first half of 2016, 84 PUDs were provided by AFEW-Tajikistan’s assistance to pass needed medical observations on free of charge base and 16 of them finally were included in OST program.

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