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International City Health Conference Open for Registration

Guildhall_conference5th International City Health Conference is open for registration. It will take part in Guildhall, London on September 19, 2016.

City Health 2016 is the fifth edition of the conference. The conference is returning to the venue where City Health International was launched in 2012, the historic Guildhall, at the heart of the City of London, and once again is hosted by the London Drug and Alcohol Policy Forum and organised by Knowledge•Action•Change.

The programme for this conference will examine the increasingly complex relationships between policy makers, academics and researchers, communities and individuals, in a world where change is rapid and information technology has increased access to information, as well as changing the dynamics of communication and influence.

During the event, UN Special Envoy for HIV/AIDS in Eastern Europe and Central Asia Professor Michel Kazatchkine and Susi McLean from HIV/AIDS Alliance will be discussing if public health is facing a crisis. Conference also includes 2016 Alison Chesney and Eddie Killoran Memorial Lecture “Zeroes and Heroes: drug users, popular culture and fight for public health” delivered by Harry Shapiro (DrugWise.)

Delegate places for the conference are £85 per person. More details on how to register can be found on the conference website. More details on the programme can be found here.

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