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‘Key Populations in Focus’ – AFEW Released Its 2015 Annual Report

linAIDS Foundation East-West (AFEW) is pleased to announce the release of its 2015 Annual report titled ‘Key Populations in Focus.’ The report highlights AFEW’s key activities in the region of Eastern Europe and Central Asia (EECA).

“The title of the report tells it all: the sexual and reproductive health and rights of people who use drugs, prisoners, people living with HIV and other key populations have always been the focus of AFEW’s work, – said Anke van Dam, executive director of AFEW. – It is in our mission and in our strategy to promote health and increased access to prevention, treatment and care for public health concerns such as HIV, TB and viral hepatitis.”

At the same time, in 2015 AFEW has been directly involved in the development of important national policies related to decriminalization of drug use, HIV prevention and respect for human rights of key populations, ensuring that the best practices and interventions are reflected in strategies and action plans of the EECA region.

This is especially important given that in the EECA region HIV is still on the rise: in 2015, according to UNAIDS, there were 190 000 new cases reported.

AFEW will continue providing technical assistance to national governments and improving the capacity of local civil society organisations,” said Anke van Dam.

Please follow this link to read our Annual report. The Russian version of the report is available here.

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