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New UNAIDS Report Shows HIV on Rise in Eastern Europe and Central Asia

enrinmap4According to the 2016 Global AIDS Update report released by the UNAIDS, HIV is still on the rise in the region of Eastern Europe and Central Asia. In 2015 there were 190 000 new HIV cases reported in the region among all age groups. This number of new HIV incidents has increased by 70 000 cases as compared to 2010. No other region in the world has seen similar rise. In fact, nowhere else in the world has HIV epidemic grown, except the Middle Eastern and North African region (+ 1 000 cases as compared to 2010) and Eastern Europe and Central Asia. Elsewhere in the world the number of HIV incidents is either dropping or staying on the same level as five years ago.

In Eastern Europe and Central Asia UNAIDS has found 51 percent of new cases among people who use drugs. Six percent of new cases was found among both sex workers and men who have sex with men. Among general population new cases amounted to four percent.

Full report can be accessed here.

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