6th International City Health Conference ‘Empowerment, Engagement and Partnership: participating to develop healthy cities’ will take place in Basel, Switzerland in September 2017. Currently the call for submissions for presentations, as well as proposals for the sessions within the conference is announced.
AFEW International executive director Anke van Dam is the member of the Programme Advisory Group for the Conference.
“The City Health Conference is an important event for sharing experiences and best practices of interventions at a municipal level. Interventions about health, sports, but also about environment, housing and the homeless people, are presented and discussed. AFEW organized the City Health Conference in Amsterdam in 2014 and brought professionals from multiple disciplines together to discuss concerns and problems at city level from different angles. This is needed since more than a half of the population in the world is living in an urban setting,” Anke van Dam says.
The Conference is hosted by the University of Applied Sciences and Arts Northwestern Switzerland and organised by Knowledge•Action•Change.
‘Empowerment, Engagement and Partnership: participating to develop healthy cities’ reflects the belief that measures and actions for health promotion and urban development are more effective if the affected populations play an active and co-decisive role in the process of design, development and delivery. Evidence demonstrates that such engagement and participation contributes to sustainable solutions, to a greater identification with urban public space and increased intergenerational communication.
This is an ‘inclusive’ conference, with presenters and participants including NGOs, community projects, advocacy groups, as well as urban and health planners, academics, policy makers and those who deliver services and interventions.
Currently, the organisers welcome both individual submissions for oral and poster presentations, as well as proposals for whole sessions within the conference. The deadline for the submission is March-April 2017. The programme committee will use selected abstracts to construct themed sessions. Authors will be informed if their abstract has been accepted before the posting of the near-final programme in June 2017.
To register for the conference, please, click here.