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U.S. Government Introduces New Drug to Help Save Lives of TB Patients in Tajikistan

Tajikistan is on the list of countries with a high prevalence of multi-drug resistant TB, and has growing numbers of patients with extensively drug-resistant TB, for which there was no effective treatment available within the country. Bedaquiline, also called by its brand name Sirturo, offers a better chance to cure patients with these forms of TB and will help reduce the transmission of drug-resistant tuberculosis in the community.

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Reversing the HIV Epidemic

HIV remains a significant public health problem in the 31 countries of the European Union and European Economic Area (EU/EEA), with around 30 000 newly diagnosed HIV infections reported each year over the last decade. In a two-day conference organised in collaboration between the Maltese Presidency of the Council of the European Union and ECDC, HIV experts from across the European Union discussed how to reverse this trend and how to prepare Europe to achieve the set target of ending AIDS by 2030.

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Reasons for Drug Policy Reform

Why is eastern Europe the only region in the world that still has a growing HIV epidemic? In one of the region’s countries, Russia, more than two thirds of all HIV infections, and 55% of the near 100 000 new infections reported last year, resulted from drug injection.

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Bridging the Gaps in Women’s Hostel in Kyrgyzstan

Sofia and her forty-year-old mother Leila live in the hostel that operates in the centre of adaptation and socialization of women – injecting drug users in the public fund Asteria in Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan. Leila was recently released from prison.

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Compass Centre in Kharkiv, Ukraine: when Policeman Becomes an Uncle

Kharkiv City Charitable Foundation Blago has a long history of working with key populations, including people who use drugs, sex workers, men having sex with men and street children. The organisation started to work with adolescents using drugs since 2012 within the framework of “Bridging the Gaps: Health and Rights of Key Populations” project, through AFEW-Ukraine.

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Improving Outcomes for People Living with HIV

This is a call to action for European governments, international organisations, patient organisations, and the wider health community to align on a new HIV policy agenda that addresses the crucial unmet needs of people living with HIV (PLHIV) – to ensure they can live longer in good health, and participate fully in society and the economy.

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Today We Celebrate 15 Years of AFEW!

We know that 15 years of our work would be not possible without you. We understand that together with you we are working towards a healthy future of our region. We realize the potential and current issues of Eastern Europe and Central Asia, and we are confident that we will be able to overcome them together with you. Thank you for being with us throughout our successes and challenges!

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