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Civil Society Letter to Support the Position of Prof M. Kazatchkine as UN special Envoy on HIV/AIDS for Eastern Europe and Central Asia

With this letter, we – undersigned civil society organizations – call on you to reconsider the position of Prof. Michel Kazatchkine as your Special Envoy on HIV/AIDS in Eastern Europe and Central Asia (EECA). Michel Kazatchkine was recently announced to serve as special advisor to UNAIDS for HIV, tuberculosis and hepatitis C by the UNAIDS executive director Michel Sidibe.

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Roman Dudnik: “The HIV/TB CITIES Project led to a more open dialogue between NGOs and the municipality of Almaty”

It has been a year since the project Fast-track HIV/TB responses among key populations in cities of Eastern Europe and Central Asia (HIV/TB CITIES) has been operating in Almaty, Balti, Odesa, Sofia, and Tbilisi. Different countries, contexts, mentalities and different… results. Roman Dudnik, Executive Director of the Public Foundation AIDS Foundation East-West in Kazakhstan is telling about the project implementation in Almaty, Kazakhstan.

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Decriminalising Cannabis – a Step Forward to the Liberal Drug Policy: Opinions and Reflections of Discussions in Georgia

In the joint survey conducted in 2015 by the National Centre for Disease Control and Public Health, 32% of men and 2.9% of women in Georgia reported having used marijuana. The issue of cannabis decriminalisation and legalisation was first raised five years ago, but then the initiator of this idea – civil movement “The 2nd of June” – failed to get support even from the community of people who use drugs because they demanded to decriminalise not all the drugs, but only cannabis.

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Massive HIV Testing Campaign for Residents of Kyiv and Odesa

Over 250 thousand HIV tests will be done in Kyiv allowing to cover 10% of the employable population of the Ukrainian capital. Nikolay Povoroznik, the Deputy Head of Kyiv City State Administration, informed UNIAN Information Agency that in order to reach these numbers, city authorities will additionally procure 140 thousand express tests. HIV testing is the first step towards overcoming the epidemic because information about one’s positive status allows the timely start of treatment for the patient.

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Win $10,000 for the Film on Mother to Child Transmission of HIV

The Positive Action for Children Fund (PACF) in association with MTV/Staying Alive Foundation and the International AIDS Society are inviting NGOs and community groups worldwide to take part in our film competition – Every Footstep Counts. The competition aims to showcase and celebrate the successes community partners are making worldwide that are integral to end mother-to-child transmission and paediatric HIV.

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Voluntary HIV Testing Points in Tajikistan: Fast, Convenient, Free

Several more cities in Tajikistan – Dushanbe, Kulob and Khujand – opened their first voluntary counselling and testing (VCT) points in three civil society organisations – Vita, SVON Plus and Amali Nek. Opening the VCT points, training the medical staff, renovating the premises and procuring the necessary furniture and equipment became possible thanks to the Bridging the Gaps: Health and Rights for Key Populations project and consultations with the AFEW-Tajikistan specialists.

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Deadline Extended: AIDS 2018 Abstract Support

Amsterdam Youth Force, Eurasian Harm Reduction Association (EHRA) and AFEW International invite applicants from Eastern Europe and Central Asia region (EECA) to submit drafts abstracts for XXII International AIDS Conference 2018 in Amsterdam (AIDS2018) to board panel of experts for review. The deadline is extended until 25th January 2018.

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Deadline Extended: AIDS 2018 – Call for Volunteers Speaking Russian

Eastern Europe and Central Asia is the only region in the world where the AIDS epidemic is on a steep rise. Whereas the whole world celebrates 50% decrease in the new cases of HIV, the EECA region has experienced almost 60% increase in annual new HIV infections between 2010 and 2015. In 2015, there were an estimated 1.5 million people living with HIV in Eastern Europe and Central Asia. The vast majority (85%) of people living with HIV in the region live in Russia and Ukraine. As one of the means to tackle the language barrier AFEW International comes up with an initiative to build up a pool of language buddies – a group of enthusiastic people residing in the Netherlands, speaking English and Russian (the common language for the EECA region) who are willing to support delegates from EECA at the Conference.

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Georgia is getting ready to end the AIDS epidemic

The UNAIDS 90-90-90 target, stipulating that 90% of all people living with HIV will know their HIV status, 90% of all people with diagnosed HIV infection will receive sustained antiretroviral therapy, and 90% of all people receiving antiretroviral therapy will have viral suppression, was the key issue brought up at the National Conference dedicated to the World AIDS Day in Tbilisi. The conference motto was ‘Test All, Treat All, End the AIDS Epidemic in Georgia!’ Conference participants signed the Declaration ‘End the AIDS Epidemic in Georgia.’ The Declaration is a summary of the key effective measures to be taken to curb the AIDS epidemic in the country.

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