Peer navigators – indispensable medical assistants
Over the past three years, express HIV testing in key populations in the East Kazakhstan region of Kazakhstan increased by a third. Peer navigators play a very important role in this success.
Over the past three years, express HIV testing in key populations in the East Kazakhstan region of Kazakhstan increased by a third. Peer navigators play a very important role in this success.
Cate Hankins, professor, co-chair of EECA INTERACT and co-chair of the annual INTEREST Conference, and Anke van Dam, member of the international organizing committee of EECA INTERACT, about objectives of the workshop.
People affected with tuberculosis desperately need support and understanding of the society during this difficult period of their lives. However, often they are left alone with their problem, which leads to low adherence to treatment and high dropout rates.
Bauyrzhan Satzhanovich Bayserkin, head of the local committee of EECA INTERACT 2019 workshop; Doctor of Medical Sciences, Director of the Kazakh Scientific Center of Dermatology and Infectious Diseases (Kazakhstan) talks why researchers should participate in the EECA INTERACT 2019 workshop.
The ways in which HIV-related stigma and discrimination are manifested and experienced are complex and varied. Many different measures from different perspectives are currently used to monitor HIV-related stigma and discrimination.
В мае 2019 года в Португалии проходила международная конференция по снижению вреда HR19. Принять участие в ней удалось Елене Шастиной, стипендиатке фонда Мартины де Схуттер, региональной координаторке проекта Ассоциации “Е.В.А.” “Профилактика ВИЧ-инфекции с фокусом на потребителей наркотиков”.
On August 12–16, the “School of MSM and TG Leaders” was held in Almaty, Kazakhstan.
One of the main goals of AFEW International and its partners is to improve the health of key populations in society in Eastern Europe and Central Asia. That’s why every story of success from this region is a great stimulus for us! We are happy to share with you a change story from Tajikisan.
We are happy to announce that AFEW International represented by executive director Anke Van Dam became a consultant of an international project “Optimizing HIV prevention portfolios targeting people who inject drugs using dynamic economic modeling” awarded with NIH grant.
A photo exhibition “On the Edge” was opened on the 9th of August in Almaty, Kazakhstan.