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Communities will be Educated how to Analyse Data and how to Act

Two new modules for the program community-based participant research CBPR [e] Education that is supporting and strengthening the research capacity of organizations acting on behalf of and representing the interests of communities in Eastern Europe and Central Asia (EECA) are released online today.

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EU-Russia Civil Society Forum Invites Young Professionals to Poland

Forum for Young Professionals “Europe Lab” is a unique communication and exchange platform for change makers from all over Europe working in public administration, business, NGOs, universities, think tanks, and other fields of professional engagement. Main goals of “Europe Lab” are to enable cross-sector cooperation and promote exchange of ideas, develop partner and professional networks, and encourage common cross-border projects and initiatives all over Europe.

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Dutch Students will Learn about HIV in EECA

On March 28, 2017, AFEW International and are jointly organising the Culture Cures & Kills II symposium in de Tolhuistuin in Amsterdam. The symposium will focus on the role of culture in prevention, treatment and care of HIV in Eastern Europe and Central Asia (EECA).

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U.S. Government Introduces New Drug to Help Save Lives of TB Patients in Tajikistan

Tajikistan is on the list of countries with a high prevalence of multi-drug resistant TB, and has growing numbers of patients with extensively drug-resistant TB, for which there was no effective treatment available within the country. Bedaquiline, also called by its brand name Sirturo, offers a better chance to cure patients with these forms of TB and will help reduce the transmission of drug-resistant tuberculosis in the community.

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Call for Abstracts: Hepatitis-C Community Summit in Amsterdam

AFEW International is glad to announce the call for abstracts for Hepatitis-C Community Summit that will take place in Amsterdam in April of 2017. Please submit your abstract about innovative approaches, community initiatives, successful advocacy examples, successful ‘from research to practice’ examples before the 19th of February. You will be informed about acceptance at the end of February.

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AFEW Announces Online E-Learning Program

AFEW International gives program participants the opportunity to take part in online e-learning modules for further development of their research skills. The modules are also available for others who are interested in community-based participatory research. Course that costs 75 euros, includes 7 modules on the preparation and conduct of community-based participatory research.

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City Health Conference 2017 Focuses on Developing Healthy Cities

6th International City Health Conference ‘Empowerment, Engagement and Partnership: participating to develop healthy cities’ will take place in Basel, Switzerland in September 2017. Currently the call for submissions for presentations, as well as proposals for the sessions within the conference is announced. AFEW International executive director Anke van Dam is the member of the Programme Advisory Group for the Conference.

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Improving Outcomes for People Living with HIV

This is a call to action for European governments, international organisations, patient organisations, and the wider health community to align on a new HIV policy agenda that addresses the crucial unmet needs of people living with HIV (PLHIV) – to ensure they can live longer in good health, and participate fully in society and the economy.

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